Intermontane Challenge - Day 1

Hey everybody,
KJ and Heather here reporting in from Kamloops. We survived, I think, Day 1. It was not exactly what we had expected since we did have the opportunity to preride Day 1 a few weeks ago. Today was VERY different then what we actually road ... about 2 hours longer and over 7000 ft of climbing! It was however, not hot enough at a chill 39C. Ya right! Thank goodness for the amazing volunteers that were very efficient at filling our hydrapaks and water bottles, and even giving us a few head dunks!
We managed to keep a steady pace, finishing in 5h52, just 11 minutes behind the girls in 1st! Not too shabby for day one all things considered ...
Cytomax from Peak Centre for Human Performance, Accelerade, Gu and Thermolyte from North Shore Athletics kept us going today.
Time for some foam rolling, stretching and sleep!
KJ and Heather