Intermontane Challenge - Day 2

Well another 40+C day in Kamloops today! We decided to start today a bit slower then yesterday, knowing it was going to be another hot one with lots of sun exposure. The start and first half was great, some really fun single track, except for one flat tire of course. The second half led us back up to some more open dessert areas with no shade, and it was just getting hotter and hotter. KJ suffered in the heat in the 2nd half, but luckily Heather was riding really strong so pulled KJ along. The last feed station was further away then expected, we both were out of all fluids by this point. Neither of us have ever drank this much, or ever ridden in this kind of heat! You kind of feel like your being literally baked. Good times! We finished in 5h12 today, loosing a bit of time over the girls in first, and are now roughly 30 minutes behind them. We still feel pretty good about the day overall having finished strong after a gnar classic loose Kamloops descent to the finish.
Tomorrow is to be a long one, 85 km and includes some really tough downhill so we're told, and that will come after 40km of riding mostly up.
Anyway, plan to ride steady and stay on the bike for as long as possible!
Rubber side down!

Our activelife multisport team mate Tara Walsh and her race partner Chris Welsh ripped it up today and are now in third in the mixed teams category. They rode super strong today and kindly offered their assistance when we got our flat. Go activelife team go!
KJ and Heather