Race Report - Mount Revelstoke Steamer

Well, I made my road cycling race debut this past weekend by riding in the Revelstoke Steamer.

This race was a 27km hill-climb time trial starting at the base of Mt. Revelstoke, climbing 1600m (4800ft) to the summit of the mountain on the paved roadway. In a nutshell, it was a true sufferfest. ~100 riders lined up at the start, leaving at 30 second intervals - since I drove up to Revy from Vancouver on Saturday, I was the 95th rider to line up. It was 25 degrees by the time I rolled off the start, Cancellara-style....sort of. While I may not have claimed the polka-dot jersey, I wore the Active Life kit with pride and will definitely race this one again next year.

My new Jawbone sunnies from NSA did not fog up at all... as long as you look good road cycling...you are good, right! I knew Lance was onto something good with those shades.

Check out the race site here for more info & results as they are posted - Revelstoke Steamer.