Wildlife Awareness

The weather is getting warmer and everybody is getting stoked on being outside and adventuring into the woods. I'd just like to remind everybody that bears and cougars are commonplace on the shore and not to become too complacent.
I've already encountered 3 black bears this year ... the last one was this past Friday while on my road bike on the paved path in the Seymour Demonstration Forest. It was a cub, but it was NOT afraid of two cyclists. He actually ran towards us, instead of what one would assume ... away! Another bear I saw was about a month ago on the road from Cap College up to the parking lot for the demo forest. This bear was much bigger, and walked up to a car.
I felt I should share my recent sightings as I tend to forget about the bears in our area as I'm out playing on the trails on the shore.
Knowledge is your best defense ... educate yourself on what to do, or what NOT to do - there are many resources on the internet, including the DNV website.
Take care on the trails ...